Monday, October 17, 2011

The Chronicles of (M): Part VIII

Thank you everyone who follows this blog for being patient as I was on vacation for a week. I missed writing for the blog and am glad to be back on line with you all. I wish the story for the first day back was a fun and laid back story but to be perfectly honest something happened to (M) while I was on vacation and I feel like his story should be posted before we get back to having fun. This just goes to show this is a real life blog with nothing made up. Thank you for your continued support!

The Chronicles of (M): Part VIII

This is unlike any of the other stories I’ve written. This customer has no sexual intensity or humor. A customer walks up to the register as his nervous body and quivering hands are holding a white plastic bag. He says to me, "I need you to fill this up".
I reply "Fill it up with what?" I ask.
He says "The money", that’s when he reveals a knife in his hand; it had a red handle with silver blade that reflected the light when I looked at it.
I take a big step back, and reply "I need to reach over and press the key to open the drawer." I have never been robbed before, but from what I do know is that you do what you have to do to make the robber feel comfy. I put the money in the bag and hand it over to him.
 He tells me "Not to call anyone for 10min....10 min." Without another word he leaves...and is still yet to be found. The police took me on a few ID trips to see if I recognized him. That was a negative....  
After thinking about this, I’m glad no one got hurt. And from the looks of the man, with the complete oversized sweatshirt and clothes that looked as they didn’t belong to him. He probably needed the money more than the company does. Sounds kinda screwed up coming from the guy who had the knife pointed at him. He was obviously unintelligent or very high because he stole $270.00 cash. My laptop (Mac book pro laptop 13inch) is worth 1,200 and was sitting on the counter at the time........tho it’s a good thing he didn’t ask for the laptop. Then I would’ve grabbed that bat (by the way is at the complete opposite side of the counter out of reach of my need). Lesson to the wise; don’t even think about grabbing a man’s/women’s Mac book. They will fuck you up. =)
 Also, just so everyone who’s reading knows, there is absolutely no irony in this story....But seriously who the fuck robs a Porn Shop?! And yes, I’m still workin here......
~( M )

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