Monday, October 31, 2011

Short and Not so Sweet: Part 1 Tattoo Pain

Short and Not so Sweet Stories: Part I

Lately I’ve had interesting encounters but they’ve been very short and not full length story worthy so I figured since the Chronicles of (M) have slowly stopped I would supply something just as good for the time being that is short and humorous.

Tattoo Pain

It was a short day for me when this happened and I was getting antsy to leave because after the busy weekend between a wedding and a festival I was participating in it was my last work day at Love Lips. A real vacation for me! I really just wanted to run screaming from the store because I’m going to have a FULL WEEK without crazy Dundalk being involved!!! Anyway! It was around 11 am when I realized I was probably not going to have many customers when the Love Lips jingle surprised me. I looked up and saw a man in his early 50’s in a blood red T-shirt with black writing on it came in. He looked at me with crooked eyes and said, “Good morning”

“Morning” I said as brightly as I could.

He kept looking at me and before I could ask him my usual “if I can help you with anything” schpeal he said, “Ohhh that had to hurt”

“I’m sorry?” I blinked.

“Your tattoo’s- that hurt didn’t it?”

“It was uncomfortable but I have a high pain tolerance so only certain places really, really hurt” It was true, I never cried and kept very still whenever I got any done, I wasn’t one of those screaming and sobbing tattoo type of women, and I was damned proud of that fact.

“Did it feel electric?”

Blink. You don’t get electrocuted when you get a tattoo, buddy. “No, it felt hot and it vibrated from the needle moving fast” I said helpfully.

“My buddy has tattoos all over his body, he does”

“Wow, that must’ve—“

“He wishes he never got any of them…” He nodded seriously with his crooked eyed stare.

I smiled, I didn’t want to say it but that’s why all of my tattoos have some deep meaning, you don’t want to get tattoos if you don’t love them. It is sad how many people get tattoos just for the heck of it without any real thought.

“Yeah…sad really” He said slowly as he continued to stare at me with an equally crooked smile. He then moved on into the store and ended our weird conversation.

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