Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Screaming O Rings is the topic of today’s blog post. So when you first here this name, what do you immediately picture? Well let me try describing it to you; it’s a little device that is made of silicone in the shape of an O and has a small vibrating bullet on top on it. The silicone around the vibrating bullet has little nubby pieces on it for stimulation. So if you haven’t guessed now by my description, it is a vibrating cock ring. It’s quite simple really and this device in particular is made to last for 40 minutes as a kind of “tester” to see if you and your significant other like using them. The vibrating cock rings give both parties stimulation and pleasure from the vibration. Most cock rings are meant to be a little smaller than the man’s junk so it keeps the blood in the penis so the hard-on last longer and it also makes reaching an orgasm a little more work so the end result is good for the both of you. The bullet inside of the ring is made to hit the woman’s clit so it helps get her somewhere faster. So all in all it’s a good little device. Now this story is about this device in particular and I had to share the special-ness that came with this encounter. But before I start I like to always remind the Reader I am in no way racist, homophobic (cuz I’m a lesbian that’d be kinda dumb), or seriously judgmental of peoples size, appearance, or dress. The way I describe everyone is for entertainment purposes and to give you the reader a better idea of what I saw with my own eyes. With that said let’s get to the good parts!
This happened on a particularly special day and actually happened after I wrote Sexy is as Sexy Does and I had already shut the computer off, but it was so worth re-telling the story. So this was a couple of hours after the Grandma Sexy Party *shiver* Lady and just a little bit before my shift ended. I saw a younger African American couple walk by a few times and then finally they came inside. All this was alright until the overly large woman the young man was with used her largeness to catch the door he had opened for her and in the process of removing herself from the door almost ripped the turning “Open”/”Closed” sign down with her unusual entrance into the store. I have nothing against bigger people, I am actually bigger myself but she was shaped rather oddly and was wearing a VERY tight dress. She was one of those heavier people that everything from the middle up was very wide and then from the middle down was very thin. The human body is amazing in how it handles being overweight. But anyway! She waddled in the store and the boyfriend walked beside her and they joked around and pointed out things they thought were funny, nothing unusual. On their way back around the store she stopped at the counter and looked at the Screaming O Rings.
“What are these?” She picked one up to look at it closer.
“They’re a vibrating cock ring”
“Is it candy?”
*blink* “ it’s a vibrating cock ring” It really doesn’t look like candy but Ok…
“What’s that? Candy?” She said as she eyeballed it closer.
I hate to stereotype but seriously?!Not everything is food!  “No I’m sorry, it’s a cock ring and it’s not edible.” She kept looking at it like she still wanted to test to make sure I was telling the truth so I continued,  “it’s a sex toy that goes on the penis and vibrates” Granted as I tried to explain this the boyfriend finally chimes in that it isn’t candy to her as well.
“Oh! A cock ring! Gotcha…” Her boyfriend picked one up and showed her before I could how it works. She then started to yell at him wondering why he let her think that for so long and make a fool of herself. I felt sort of bad for her but she was VERY determined to make that thing food. I mean I guess it kinda looks like a ring pop? …..Er…Maybe a long lost cousin of the Ring Pop that was thrice removed, but sure why not!

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